We finally made it to a house that we can call a home. We were not able to close on the house we wanted but sometimes what does not happen is what is supposed to happen. What's not meant to be just did not happen and for some reason I am content with the circumstances.
The dogs have a great yard. We are renting a home with a double lot and lots of mature Loblolly Pine trees. The trees are forty to forty five years old and about sixty feet tall. Great shade and lots of pine cones to throw around for our Mickie dog to fetch.
The week before last we had our daughter, Katie, and our friend, Linda Clark, down to help us move. We spent Good Friday at Avery Island wandering around the Jungle Garden and taking the factory tour at McIlhenny Company's Tabasco plant. It was fun.
Katie was set on seeing alligators and we saw several. This is a photo of one she coaxed to the bank. It is about four years old and approximately four feet in length. While not a man killer, if it bit you the wounds left by its teeth would require a tetanus shot.
We drove a little further down island and found a pond with four ankle biter sized alligators in it. Katie and I went as close as we could to one. When I leaned over to tease it the lizard jumped up from the water about a foot and showed its mouth and hissed. I jumped and Katie ran away. It was funny because the gator dove down to the bottom only to re-emerge closer the bank to flash his pearly whites again at me. If this was a big bull or a female gator doing this I probably would be typing this from a hospital bed as they can move pretty fast over a short distance - a lot faster than this old man can run.
Finally I just want to let you know what Grace is all